Who is part of it?

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Roosevelt Scholarship Program Thumbnail

The Roosevelt Scholarship Program selects outstanding 5th grade students from the Metropolitan Lima area and grants them a full scholarship to study at Colegio Roosevelt for seven years, beginning in 6th grade until graduation in 12th grade. It was established in 2013 by Colegio Roosevelt's Board of Directors and has had 17 student participants since then, including four graduates. The main goal is for the Roosevelt Scholarship Program students to contribute to Colegio Roosevelt's academic program and mission, exemplify our values, and serve as an inspiration to other students in our community.

How are the Roosevelt Scholarship Program students selected?

Scholarship students are selected out of a large pool of applicants every year based on their academic ability to adapt, interpersonal skills, resilience and determination, emotional intelligence, language skills, and family support. They demonstrate a passion for learning, excitement about attending Colegio Roosevelt, and great potential in academics, intellect or extracurricular activities. They also demonstrate financial need by having attended an elementary school where monthly fees were equal to or below 15% of Colegio Roosevelt’s monthly tuition.

How is the Roosevelt Scholarship Program funded?

From the beginning, Colegio Roosevelt’s Board of Directors committed to fund the Roosevelt Scholarship Program by allocating 7.5% of school entrance fees for this purpose. This allowed the program to provide scholarships for two students every year. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic affected enrollment at Colegio Roosevelt and available funds for the Roosevelt Scholarship Program took a hit: Now the school is able to cover the costs for ONE new scholarship student every year. Since having two scholarship students enter the school at the same time has proven to be a key contributing factor of the success of the program, starting in 2022, we are launching a fundraising effort to cover the costs of the second Roosevelt Scholarship Program student every year.

Our goal is to raise $200,000 to cover the costs for ONE Roosevelt Scholarship Program student to begin studying at FDR in the 2023-24 school year.


Please send questions to scholarshipfund@amersol.edu.pe

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"One-Time Only" Giving Opportunities

The Roosevelt Scholarship Program will host many "One-Time Only" giving opportunities. Our first "One-Time Only" giving opportunity was a fundraising collaborative with our 75th Anniversary Coffee Table Book. It was a HUGE success. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

We look forward to sharing our next "One-Time Only" Giving Opportunity with you very soon! 

Roosevelt Scholarship Program in numbers

The full cost of the Scholarship Program ($200,000) for each Student is divided the following way:

Image of scholarship program data

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Who is part of it?